Personal Information
ctcLink Student Homepage
ctcLink Student Homepage is a personalized web page
through which students can access information to manage their campus life, academics, and financial
transactions. Through the Student Homepage students can view and update personal information, plan for and
enroll in classes, accept and decline financial awards, make a payment, view financial account activity, to do
list, academic holds, enrollment dates, advisor information, grades, and progress to program completion.
Address Changes
It is the student's responsibility to keep SCC, SFCC and/or the off-campus centers advised of current
A student's correct home, email and/or local address are important on all of their college records.
Students will primarily receive material through email.
Address changes may be completed in your ctcLink Student
Homepage, by using the address change form, or by using the Student Information Update form.
Name Changes
It is the student’s responsibility to keep SCC, SFCC, and/or the off-campus centers advised of changes to their legal name. Students who change their names during the year are required to provide supporting documentation (such as marriage license, legal name change paperwork, divorce decree, etc.) and valid photo ID to the Registration Office. Students may add a preferred name in ctcLink Student Homepage.
Picture Identification
Picture ID is required to pick up student records including class schedules, transcripts, and work-study
checks. Library and bookstore transactions and/or use of the college computer/math labs also require picture
ID. The first student picture ID card is free, but there is a fee for replacement cards.
At SCC, student photo ID cards are available to all new students once enrollment is complete. They are
available in building 15. Picture ID and verification of class enrollment is required. For more information,
call 509-533-8400.
At SFCC, photo ID cards are available to all new students once enrollment is complete and may be obtained in the Print Shop, Building 2, Lower-level. Picture ID and verification of class enrollment is required.
For hours of operation, call 509-533-3744.
For information about the off-campus centers, picture IDs, visit your local off-campus center or call Colville 509-279-6712 or Newport, 509-279-6954.
Social Security Numbers
Community Colleges of Spokane is required to ask for the Social Security Number (SSN) or tax identification
number from every student who attends SCC, SFCC or the off-campus centers. CCS will only release a student's
SSN in accordance with state or federal law and will protect the SSN from unauthorized use and/or disclosure.
A student's failure to provide the SSN may result in administrative holds, and the student will be subject to
an IRS penalty unless refusal to provide the SSN is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. In
order to protect the SSN from unauthorized use and/or disclosure, a unique student identification number (SID)
is assigned to each student for internal reporting purposes and registration.
Verification of Enrollment
Enrollment verification is provided to loan guaranty associations through the National Student Clearinghouse
based on the information uploaded from the colleges. For enrollment verification of other outside agencies
(e.g., Veterans Administration, insurance company, etc.), students must submit their signed verification
request to the Registration Office. A no-fee, self-service enrollment verification is available for students
through the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service program at This
service provides a printed proof-of-enrollment certificate and offers other enrollment verification activities
for free.
Schedule Changes
Refer to college Important Dates and Deadlines to confirm deadlines for
all registration transactions.
It is the sole responsibility of the student to make their schedule changes. Adding or dropping classes or changing sections are steps a student should take only after consultation with a faculty advisor or counselor or, if applicable, Financial Aid Office.
During the first 10 days of a quarter, a student may drop/withdraw from a course and no record of the course
will appear on the student's transcript. After the 10th day, dropped course(s) will appear on the transcript
with a "W" (withdrawal) notation. Short session classes are prorated accordingly. Summer quarter is prorated
to the length of the quarter.
Adding classes at SCC: To add a class after the second day of the quarter requires instructor
permission. To add a class after the first five days of the quarter requires both instructor and the vice
president of instruction permission. Use the online Late Enrollment Request form to request permission.
Adding classes at SFCC:
To add a class after the second day of the quarter requires instructor and dean permission. Use the online Late Enrollment Request form to request permission.
Financial Aid: Students receiving financial aid must first check with the Financial Aid Office if planning to add a class after the first ten days of the quarter. Otherwise, you will be held responsible for the tuition and fees added for those classes.
Dropping Classes:
A student cannot officially drop a course simply by informing the instructor they are withdrawing or by ceasing to attend class. An official drop or withdrawal requires processing through your Student Homepage or at the Registration Office. Instructors may use their discretion to process an instructor initiated drop the third through fifth days of the term, and/or when issuing a grade to students who do not go through the schedule change process.
Repeating a Course
In accordance with SBCTC Policy – Chapter 5, Appendix B, students may repeat a course as necessary to satisfy a requirement for improving academic or skill progress (grades) up to a maximum of two repeats in addition to the original enrollment. Additional repeats require approval from an academic advisor or counselor using the Petition for Enrollment in a Course form available online.
If a student repeats a course, all grades will appear on the transcript, but only the highest grade earned is
used for computing the grade point average.
Veterans should note that the Veterans Administration will not pay for repeating a course in which the
student has already received a passing grade.
Repeating a course may affect financial aid funding.
Withdrawal From College
Students are responsible for withdrawing from college whether they attend class or not. Students may drop any or all of their classes online in
ctcLink. Each quarter, a specific date designates the last day to drop or completely withdraw from classes. After that date, students may not
drop or withdraw without special permission. Refer to college Important Dates and Deadlines
for the last date to drop classes. Students who find it necessary to completely withdraw from college should first consult with a faculty advisor
or counselor. It is suggested students notify Financial Aid of withdrawal if receiving funding for the quarter.
Failure to follow the required procedures for withdrawal may result in failing grades being submitted; possible repayment of tuition and/or
financial aid, veteran benefits, and forfeiture of all claims for refund of tuition and fees.
Refund and withdrawal dates for classes that do not follow the regular academic calendar are based on a proportionate relationship to the length
of a standard quarter.