Direct Transfer Agreements/Major Related Programs (DTA/MRP)

To help transfer students better prepare for the junior year, two-year and four-year institutions work together to create transfer associate pathways outlining the appropriate courses in order for students to be well prepared to enter the major upon transfer. Major Related Program (MRP) pathways follow one of the two statewide transfer agreements - the DTA format or the Associate in Science (AS-T) format.

Several MRP degrees follow the DTA guidelines and thus share the same benefits as described above, but provide specific preparation for the specific majors identified:

Students interested in learning more about any of the MRP requirements in any specific area should seek advising from experts in those disciplines, counselors or the SCC and SFCC Transfer Centers. Students completing one of these MRPs will have that specific degree posted on their transcript; the more general DTA will not be posted. For more information, see the transfer program outlines section of this catalog.