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Art - 2 Dimensional

Fall 2018


Offered at Locations:  Spokane Falls Community College

First Quarter

ART& 100Art Appreciation 15
ART  101Fundamentals of Drawing 4
ART  105Color and Design 5
ART  122Health and Safety in Art 1
Additional Studio Class Recommended 20-5

Second Quarter

ART  102Drawing Composition 34
ART  1063-D Design 4
Communication Elective 5
Repeatable Painting Course 4

Third Quarter

ART  110Modern Art 45
ART  161Portfolio I 51
ART  202Figure Drawing 3
Art Elective 64
Repeatable Required Course - List 1 4

Fourth Quarter

ART  147Advanced Design 3
ART  201Experimental Drawing 73
Printmaking Elective 4
Repeatable Painting Course 4
Repeatable Required Course - List 1 4

Fifth Quarter

ART  191Screen Printing 4
Art Elective 65
Computation Elective 83-5
Repeatable Painting Course 4

Sixth Quarter

ART  202Figure Drawing 3
ART  261Exhibit 51
Art Elective 66
Human Relations Elective 3-5
96-105 credits are required for the CFA-2D

Computation Elective 

BUS  111Percents and Simple Interest 81
BUS  112Payroll and Compound Interest 81
BUS  113Discounts, Markups and Markdowns 81
BUS  114Solving for the Unknown and Business Math Review 81
BUS  123Practical Business Math Applications 85

Human Relations Elective 

BUS  105Principles of Leadership 3
HS   136Improving Interpersonal Communication 5

Printmaking Elective 

ART  189Printmaking 4
ART  190Printmaking Relief 4
ART  192Printmaking, Intaglio 4

Repeatable Ceramics Course 

ART  205Ceramics 4
ART  206Advanced Ceramics 4

Repeatable Painting Course 

ART  180Watercolor 4
ART  186Oil Painting 4
ART  188Acrylic Painting 4

Repeatable Required Course - List 1 

ART  130Sculpture 4
ART  205Ceramics 4

Repeatable Required Course - List 2 

ART  127Visual Arts Special Workshops 1-15
ART  194Jewelry 3

Repeatable Required Course - List 3 

ART  127Visual Arts Special Workshops 1-15
ART  147Advanced Design 3
ART  194Jewelry 3
1ART& 100 may be substituted with ART 108 or 112.
2The faculty recommend that you take one (1) additional studio class during this quarter to build a stronger portfolio.
3ART 102 may be substituted with ART 103.
4ART 110 should be taken in the first year of the two-year program and is offered spring quarter only. Student cannot complete ART 161 without completing ART 110.
5ART 161 and 261 are required classes. ART 161 is taught fall and spring quarters only and must be taken prior to ART 261, which is taught spring quarter only.
6Any art course will serve as an art elective. Some classes may be repeatable courses. See college catalog for listing of courses and repeatable courses.
7ART 201 may be substituted with ART 202.
8May be substituted with any MATH course 100 level or above.

Disclaimer: The college cannot guarantee courses will be offered in the quarters indicated. During the period this guide is in circulation, there may be curriculum revisions and program changes. Students are responsible for consulting the appropriate academic unit or adviser for more current and specific information. the information in this guide is subject to change and does not constitute an agreement between the college and the student.

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